
RCN members working for Marie Curie urged to vote on improved pay offer

A ballot has opened for Marie Curie workers, who are Royal College of Nursing members, to vote on an improved pay offer that has been put forward by the charity following negotiations.

RCN members will be able to vote until 9am on 14 December.

“This improved pay offer from Marie Curie is a testament to the determination of RCN members”

Graham Revie

There will be differences in the offer depending on which country members work in and whether they are on a contract that mirrors NHS Agenda for Change (AfC) in relation to pay.

In May 2021, RCN members voted to reject Marie Curie’s original offer of a consolidated 2% pay increase.

Almost half of members eligible to vote on the ballot voted, and eight out of 10 chose to reject it.

The RCN and Marie Curie have been working since then to agree on a better offer.

The RCN website explains that the pay offer from Marie Curie will maintain the link with AfC in the country where members work.

This means that if the offer is accepted, members whose pay mirrors AfC should receive matched pay awards to their colleagues in the NHS.

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In England and Wales, the NHS pay deal for 2021-22 was a 3% uplift, whereas in Scotland it was 4% for health workers pay bands 5-7.

RCN members working for Marie Curie in Northern Ireland will receive 3% unless the pending NHS deal in that country is higher when it is agreed, in which case the difference will be backdated for the charity employees.

For members not currently aligned with AfC, they will get the same percentage rise as their AfC equivalents in their countries and higher ‘unsocial hours’ enhancements when they work at weekends or bank holidays.

The RCN has said it will not influence its members’ decision on whether to accept this new offer or reject.

Graham Revie

Graham Revie, chair of the RCN Trade Union committee, said that the union needed members to vote.

He added: “This improved pay offer from Marie Curie is a testament to the determination of RCN members. Therefore, RCN members should have the final say on the offer. They have my full support.”

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