
Find the CNA-to-Patient Staffing Ratio in Your State

North Dakota A specific ratio for CNAs is not provided. Sufficient qualified nursing personnel are required to meet residents’ nursing care needs. North Dakota Regulatory Code 33-07-03.2-14 Nursing Services New Hampshire A specific ratio for CNAs is not provided. Facilities should provide sufficient and appropriate staff to provide core services as listed. New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P 803.15 – Required Services New Jersey A specific ratio for CNAs is not provided. Sufficient licensed and ancillary staff are required.
Residents require a minimum of 2.5 HPRD, 20 percent of which RNs or LPNs must provide. New Jersey Administrative Code Title 8, Chapter 39 New Mexico A specific ratio for CNAs is not provided. However, the direct care staff ratios are as follows:
Day shift: one to seven
Evening shift: one to 10
Night shift: one to 12
Intermediate Care Facilities
Day shift: one to eight
Evening shift: one to 10
Night shift: one to 13 Sufficient nursing staff is required to meet the specific needs of each patient.
In SNFs, a seven-day average of 2.5 HPRD is required per resident.
In Intermediate Care Facilities, a seven-day average of 2.3 HPRD per resident is required. New Mexico Administrative Code Effective June 2020, Nursing Staff New York Effective on January 1, 2023, no less than 2.2 HPRD to be provided by a CNA. Sufficient qualified nursing personnel are required to meet residents’ nursing care needs.
Each resident must receive a total of 3.5 HPRD. New York Codes, Rules and Regulations Section 415.13 Nursing Services and Minimum Nursing Staff Requirements Ohio A specific ratio for CNAs is not provided. Sufficient qualified nursing personnel are required to meet residents’ nursing care needs.
Each resident must receive a minimum of 2.5 HPRD. Ohio Administrative Code 3701 Nursing Homes -17-08 Personnel Requirements Oklahoma A specific ratio for CNAs is not provided. Facilities should be staffed to provide nursing and health services at all times. Oklahoma Administrative Rules 310:675-13-5. Nursing Services Oregon The minimum CNA-to-patient ratios are as follows:
Day shift: one to seven
Evening shift: one to 9.5
Night shift: one to 17 Facilities must have sufficient staff to meet the minimum requirements listed in the rules regarding CNA-to-patient ratios. Oregon Administrative Rules 411-086-0100 Nursing Services: Staffing Pennsylvania Effective on July 1, 2023, the CNA-to-resident ratios are as follows:
Day shift: one to 12
Evening shift: one to 12
Night shift: one to 20
Effective July 1, 2024, the CNA-to-resident ratios are as follows:
Day shift: one to 10
Evening shift: one to 11
Night shift: one to 15 Effective on July 1, 2023, residents shall receive a minimum of 2.87 HPRD.
Effective on July 1, 2024, residents shall receive a minimum of 3.2 HPRD. Pennsylvania Administrative Code Title 28 § 211.12. Nursing Services Rhode Island A specific ratio for CNAs is not provided.
At least one nursing assistant must be included in creating the staffing pattern plan. A sufficient number of nursing service staff is required at all times. Rhode Island Code of Regulations Title 216, 40-10-1.16.6 Nursing Services and Minimum Staffing South Carolina A specific ratio for CNAs is not provided. An adequate number of direct care staff is required at all times. South Carolina Code of State Regulations 61-17.600.603 – Direct Care Staff South Dakota A ratio for CNAs to residents is not provided. An adequate number of direct care staff is required at all times.
The ratio of RNs or LPNs to CNAs must be sufficient for appropriate supervision. South Dakota Administrative Rules 44:73:06:07 Nursing Service Staffing Tennessee A specific ratio for CNAs is not provided. Each resident must receive a minimum of two HPRD, of which .4 must be provided by licensed nursing personnel. Tennessee Rules and Regulations CHAPTER 0720-18 Standards for Nursing Homes Texas A specific ratio for CNAs is not provided. A facility must have sufficient staff with the appropriate skills to provide nursing services for each resident. Texas Administrative Code Title 26 Code § 554.1001 – Nursing Services Utah A specific ratio for CNAs is not provided. Nursing staff must be present at all times to provide services to residents. Utah Administrative Code R432-150-5. Scope of Services Vermont A specific ratio for licensed nursing assistants (LNAs) is not provided.
LNAs must provide a minimum of two HPRD for each resident. Sufficient staff must be on duty at all times to provide resident services.
Each resident must receive a minimum of three HPRD on a weekly average. Code of Vermont Rules 13-110-005-X 7.13. Nursing Services Virginia A specific ratio for CNAs is not provided. A facility must provide sufficient qualified nurses and certified nurse aides on all shifts. Virginia Administrative Code 12VAC5-371-210. Nurse Staffing Washington A specific ratio for CNAs is not provided. Sufficient staff must be on duty at all times to provide resident services. Washington Administrative Code WAC 388-97-1080 West Virginia A specific ratio for CNAs is not provided.
See table 64-13.A. (p.77) for minimum ratios of personnel to residents. Sufficient nursing personnel are required at all times to provide services.
Each resident must receive no less than 2.25 HPRD. West Virginia Code of State Rules Title 64. Series 13. Nursing Home Licensure.
8.14 Nursing Services Staffing Wisconsin A specific ratio for CNAs is not provided. There must be sufficient nursing service personnel to care for the specific needs of each patient. Wisconsin Administrative Code § DHS 132.62 – Nursing Services Wyoming A specific ratio for CNAs is not provided. Sufficient nursing staff is required to meet resident needs.
Each resident requiring skilled nursing care must receive 2.25 HPRD.
Each resident not requiring skilled nursing care must receive 1.5 HPRD. Wyoming Rules and Regulations Chapter 11. Section 9. Nursing Services

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