
Happy Hanukkah – A Festival of Lights

Just after sunset this evening and the next eight evenings in a row, some of you will be lighting the candles of your menorahs to be proudly displayed in windows to share your hopes and faith with passersby. For those of you working and unable to participate in the lighting of your menorahs these next several evenings, we thank you for your dedication to providing skilled and compassionate care to patients in your communities. 

About Hanukkah Today

Each night of Hannukah, the shammash candle is lit. This is the service candle, typically the one in the center of the menorah. The shamash candle is used to light the subsequent candles, one for each night until the final night of Hanukkah, with a fully lit menorah. The menorah is lit after sunset every night except for Friday, when it should be lit before the Shabbat candles.

“Modern Israel has embraced the menorah as its national symbol, and Hanukkah has come to be seen as a festival of Jewish rebirth in defiance of overwhelming odds. 

Modern diaspora Jews identify Hanukkah with their own ongoing struggle against assimilation and, indeed, the menorah shines brightly in many nonreligious Jewish homes as a badge of honor and identity. 

The real challenge for Jews of all types, secular and religious, inside and outside Israel, is to identify with and affirm Hanukkah authentic message of optimism and faith.” 

Rabbi Alan Lucas

History Behind Hanukkah

The roots of Hanukkah can be traced back to the 2nd Century BC, a time when Jerusalem was under the control of the Seleucid Empire and, therefore, in conflict with the forced Hellenization (assimilation of Greek gods, sacrifices, and rituals) and desecration of their Temple, a group of traditionalist Jews revolted. Upon their victory, the Temple was rededicated, and thus, the inauguration of the Festival of Lights for eight days was born. 

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Happy Hanukkah from Nursa

Nurses and nursing assistants are vital to the overall well-being of communities everywhere because of the foundational role they play in healthcare delivery of all types to people of all ages, races, religions, and backgrounds. As such, Nursa is proud of its diverse community of nurses and nursing assistants who pick up per diem shifts by organizing their busy schedules to work when and where they can. Wishing you all a Happy Hanukkah!

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