Ear-Savers and Surgical Caps for Nurses

Page reviewed and updated: August 2023
During the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses and other health care providers sought out some new accessories and tools to add to our work uniforms. In addition to scrubs and comfortable shoes, many of us are now wearing full personal protective equipment (PPE) for our entire shifts. While many may find that hospital-provided PPE is required, accessories to improve the look and feel of PPE is in high demand.
Elastic or plastic from masks with ear loops puts pressure on the back of the ear and can even lead to skin issues and breakdown. Nurses and others have found creative ways to ease that pressure, from looping the elastic around strategically placed hair buns and the advent of ear-savers.
Surgical Caps and Headbands
Also, while not new on the scene, surgical or scrub caps are now also being worn outside of the surgical suite to cover exposed hair. And while function and durability are the priority, there are many fashionable options. Added bonus: some have buttons that you can loop your masks around!
Feeling Crafty?
If you are creative and crafty, there are also DIY instructions and videos. Search “ear-savers” or “make your own scrub caps” and you are sure to find ideas ranging from simple no-sew options to more challenging patterns for expert crafters and sewers.
As with any piece of apparel or tool, make sure it is facility approved.