
Nurses Rank #1 In Patient Satisfaction Poll

Every year, the Gallup poll emphasizes the importance of patient-provider relationships by surveying a statistically representative sample of the general public. 

Gallup’s end-of-the-year poll revealed that nurses outperformed doctors and hospitals regarding long-term patient satisfaction ratings. 

According to the new Gallup poll, which came out in December 2023, 82% of Americans rated their nurse-to-patient satisfaction care as excellent or good. 

Doctors ranked second, with 69% of Americans giving them positive ratings for medical care. This patient-satisfaction survey reinforces previous Gallup polls that have ranked nurses as the most trusted profession for over 20 years. 

Nurses’ Ratings Remain High, While Others Decline

One of the key takeaways from the new Gallup poll is that nurses have consistently outperformed doctors and hospitals regarding patient satisfaction ratings. This high ranking could be attributed to the fact that nurses often build close relationships with patients as they are often at their patients’ bedsides in acute care settings. 

Another Gallup poll found that 79 percent of Americans regarded nurses’ honesty and ethical standards as “very high” or “high.” Conversely, ratings for other emergency or non-emergency medical services continue to decline.

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According to this recent Gallup poll, fewer than half of Americans give hospital emergency rooms, health insurance companies, and pharmaceutical drug companies a positive rating. 

Furthermore, nursing homes rank last with a grim 25% satisfaction rate, with the majority stating “skepticism” about the quality of care. These statistics show a significant disparity between the care nurses provide and the care provided by other physicians and medical services.

How Can Other Providers Improve Patient Satisfaction Levels?

Doctors and other medical providers can take several steps to improve patient satisfaction, such as communicating clearly and openly with patients and genuinely listening to their concerns. Medical providers should also respect and consider the preferences and values of their patients by intentionally involving patients in the decision-making process of a treatment plan.

In medical settings such as emergency rooms or walk-in clinics, administration should make their patients feel at ease and welcome. This can include keeping waiting areas clean and organized, offering comfortable seating, and ensuring privacy during consultations. 

In addition, healthcare insurance providers and pharmaceutical companies could aim to increase patient satisfaction levels by improving customer service by providing prompt and helpful assistance to policyholders. Moreover, enhancing transparency may improve patients’ access to safe, effective, high-quality pharmaceutical medicines. 

Nurses Will Likely Stay On Top of Polls

One of the main reasons nurses will most likely stay at the top of the polls for patient satisfaction is that they often serve as patient advocates. When a patient is most vulnerable, a nurse can communicate their needs to other healthcare team members. Advocating for a patient as a nurse will inevitably make a patient feel well respected and listened to. 

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Another reason nurses will continue to receive positive patient care ratings is that nurses have the most frequent and direct contact with patients, offering direct care and support compared to other medical providers. Often, a nurse will take a patient’s hand as a gracious gesture of care when they are most in need. Consequently, when patients receive compassionate, competent, and skilled care, they are more likely to have positive outcomes and thank nurses for these higher nurse-to-patient satisfaction levels.

Are you a nurse? Find out what other factors make nursing the most trusted profession in the United States today.


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