Nurse Lifestyle

Winter Safety for Nurses

As the winter season quickly approaches for those of us in the northern hemisphere, make sure you stay safe during this often unpredictable season. With hospitals and skilled nursing facilities operating no matter the weather, be prepared so you can make it in for your shift. Your patients and colleagues will thank you!
Before you head off to work, call your manager or staffing department to make sure you will be required to come in. During the winter season, I always make sure I have an overnight bag ready to go in the car in case I need to sleep over at work. In my bag, I keep a change of clothes, toothbrush and paste, snacks, extra money, any needed medications, and a warm jacket.
If you have to head into work, make sure you have plenty of gas in your vehicle so you arrive at your destination. Make sure your windshield wiper fluid is full and that you have scrapers for your car as well. In my car, I also keep a large blanket and flashlight just in case of emergencies. An invaluable purchase I made last year were snow tires which have helped me through many snowy days. 
Make sure your cell phone is fully charged before you head out. Another purchase I recommend is a portable cell charger – a definite must for peace of mind.

Out On The Road Tips

Harsh weather can be worrisome and dangerous. Keep these tips in mind if you have to head out into the snow and ice:

  • Drive slowly and give yourself extra time to arrive to your destination.
  • Apply the gas and brake slowly.
  • Increase the space between you and the car in front of you.
  • Check the weather along your route before you leave.
  • Tune your radio to a local station to stay abreast of weather and road conditions as you drive.
See also  mHealth Apps for Nurses

Do you have other tips to share? Wishing you all a safe winter season!

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